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NLDB1-125NLDB1-125 C100


NLDB1-125 C100

NLDB1-125 series high breaking miniature circuit breakers are suitable for AC 50/60Hz lines with rated voltage of 400V(230V for single phase) and rated current 125A and below. They are used for short circuit and overload protection of buildings and electrical equipment, and can also be used for infrequent conversion of lines under normal circums tances. They are also suitable for isolating switches, line undervoltage protection, and remote disconnection。 The product has beautiful appearance, small size and light weight, accurate c u r r e n t t r i p p i n g s e t t i n g , r e l i a b l e a c t i o n , h i g h b r e a k i n g c a p a c i t y, r a p i d tr i p p i n g , g u i d e r a i l i n s t a l l a t i o n , c o m p o s i t e p a t t e r n d e s i g n , a n d c a n b e combined with auxiliar y contacts, alarm indication contacts, under voltage releases, shunt releases and other accessories to meet the needs of different us e r s . T h e s h e l l a n d c omp o n e n t s a re ma d e of h i g h f l ame re t a rd a n t a n d impact resistant plastic, with long ser vice life.

NLDB1-125 series high breaking miniature circuit breakers are suitable for AC 50/60Hz lines with rated voltage of 400V(230V for single phase) and rated current 125A and below. They are used for short circuit and overload protection of buildings and electrical equipment, and can also be used for infrequent conversion of lines under normal circums tances. They are also suitable for isolating switches, line undervoltage protection, and remote disconnection。

This product complies with the standard: GB/T10963.1 and IEC60898-1 or GB/T14048.2 and IEC60947-2.

Model and meaning

Main technical parameters

Main types

The rated current of the circuit breaker is 63A, 80A, 100A, 125A

The number of poles of circuit breakers is classified into: 1P, 2P, 3P and 4P

This circuit breaker is installed with 35x7.5 standard mounting rail

See Table 1 for the rated value of main circuit of circuit breaker

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